Saturday, 11 December 2010

Concept Artwork

Time for some concept artwork! It's not new, but many of you probably haven't seen it before.

 This is Hooch, you may be wondering why he's first? It's because he's Hooch. Hooch owns the Bike Shop in Oscar's village. A rather suspect character, Oscar is his only friend, although that may be because he spends most of his time brewing a noxious green liquid he refers to by his name. In the game, Hooch will reward Oscar with Bike parts as payment for collecting his lost Hooch.

This is Oscar; Protagnist, Rocketcycleer and do-gooder. Oscar lives with his parents, although his father seems to be away on business most of the time, and his mother is a foul tempered creature with a back complaint. When the accident happens, Oscar feels it is up to him to restore the village to rights, and if he can pick up his dear old mum's pain medication at the same time? Well, why not.

 This is Mr. and Mrs. Docherty, they own the Pier on the Skylake. Normally they're quite the sweet old couple, but then again, this accident seems to have put everyone on edge. Something like Grandparents to Oscar, they enlist his help to restore the Skylake to rights, and start him off on his journey.

 Rocketbikes, Oscar loves them, Hooch sells them, it's easy to see why to two are friends. unfortunately for Hooch, Oscar seems to be the only person in Skyway who does like them. Everyone else prefers to get around on more traditional methods of transport.

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